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Oración, de Iñigo López de Loyola

Toma, Señor, y recibe
Toda mi libertad,
Mi memoria,
Mi entendimiento,
Y toda mi voluntad;
Todo mi haber y mi poseer.
Tú me lo diste,
A Ti, Señor, lo retorno.

Todo es Tuyo:
Dispone de ello
Según Tu Voluntad.
Dame Tu Amor y Gracia,
Que éstas me bastan.

Prayer, by Iñigo López de Loyola

Take, Lord, and receive
All my liberty,
My memory,
My understanding,
And my entire will,
All that I have and possess.
You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.
All is yours;
Dispose of it
According to your will.
Give me your love and grace;
That is enough for me.

All music used with permission.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, may our dear Father God fill you with His
presence and love.
In Christ, our Lord and Savior:
DaySounds, Inc. (2023)