The Puppet

The Puppet
by DaySounds © 2014

Like a puppet ... without
We can not live ... without

Without hope,
The best dreams
Become nightmares,
And little by little,
Everything is sucked in.
Even those nightmares
Leaving behind
An enormous emptiness,
A vacuum
that fills it all,
A vacuum
In which nothing finds room
Any more.

Noises and movements
All around,
Words that don't say anything, ...
Walking in circles,
With no destination,
Light outside, darkness inside, ...
Nothing makes any sense.

"Wake up! Open your eyes!
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,"
Says Jesus Christ,
"He who comes to me, I will not reject.
"The old things have passed away,
"Behold, everything is made anew.
"I am blazing a new trail
"Just for you"

El Muñeco
De Daysounds © 2014

Sin esperanza,
El hombre no vive,
Es como un muñeco,
Sin vida.

Sin esperanza,
Los más bonitos sueños
Se convierten
En pesadillas.

Y la pesadillas se evaporan,
Dejando un gran vacío
Que todo lo llena,
En el que no caben
Ni ellas.

Ruidos y movimientos alrededor,
Palabras que no dicen nada, ...
Caminar en círculos,
Sin destino,
Luz afuera, tinieblas dentro, ...
Ya nada tiene sentido.

"Yo soy el Camino, la Verdad, y la Vida",
Dice Jesucristo,
"El que a mí viene no le echo fuera.
"Las cosas viejas pasaron;
He aquí todas son hechas nuevas".


copyright 2014
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Daysounds: Federal Government Trade Mark Granted December 24, 2002
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